« The Best Comics of 2017 » : le choix de Cynthia Rose pour The Comics Journal
« 2. Raphaël Meyssan, Les Damnés de la Commune : À la recherche de Lavalette (The Damned of the Commune : Looking for Lavalette), Editions Delcourt.
This is the first and only book by Meyssan. It grew out of his discovery that a previous tenant of his Paris flat, a man named Lavalette, was a Communard. Back in 1871, the Commune’s set of socialist dreamers managed to run Paris for ten short weeks. Mostly forgotten now, their end was a bloody one – thousands died in the streets as famous landmarks were torched. Meyssan spent six years finding Lavalette, a search he has re-staged as this book. Its visuals were all taken from print of the period then repurposed to shape his “hero.” It’s extraordinary and skillful, with a savvy political subtext. »
(Lire l’article entier de Cynthia Rose et les choix des autres contributeurs de The Comics Journal)